Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Finding the Stallion in the Colt

This is Matt McDonald.


mateicho1 said...

Jon. Thanks for bringing a little piece of England back that I don't remember-- it's a treat to get something "new" that brings back the old. Also... I'm fairly convinced that you have this massive stockpile of awesome England pictures that you're just going to slowly showcase over the years, gold nuggets that you're saving for the right moment. I want you to make me believe that, okay? (Also I hope you have the "My Team" graffiti pictures somewhere. I'd love to have that one.)

Jon said...

Thanks, Matt. And believe it. Even I don't know what's all in there because after a while it gets overwhelming to look at. And good stuff I didn't know I had keeps bubbling up out of the deep. Very few in the group, however, will probably ever see even the ones I post because I think only you, Kylie, and Marshall look at my blog. Maybe I'll compile a book someday.

This was during our Thomas Hardy day, after seeing Hardy's house and just before we lost the trail and John Bennion went wandering around for a while. What a hot, sunny day that was.

My Team is in the archive and waiting for its time. When you tell Vivint to take a hike it might just make an appearance.

Marshall said...

When I saw this I knew it was Hardy day, and I knew it was during that time we were are sitting around sweating in that field while John went scooting around looking for the trail. It's almost as it both Matt and the horse are watching John search with a sort of badass aloofness.

Jon said...

lol. Lots of badass aloofness indeed.