Saturday, October 2, 2010

Berlin: a book, a review, and some pictures.

Berlin (Photopocket City)Berlin by Stefan Dauth

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is a wonderful collection of black and white photographs of my favorite city. I felt that this book captured the multitude of personalities, tones, histories, and cultures that make Berlin the fascinating city that it is and has been for at least the last century. Major city landmarks like Berliner Dom, Brandenburger Tor, the Reichstag, and such are all here, but there are also the great pictures of the alley way at Hackesche Hoefe (where you'll always find great graffiti art) and the street book market in from of the Humboldt Universitaet. You also get a good look at some of the people and fashion that populates the city. I like that the while you have the glamorous shots from down at Potsdamer Platz, you also have the less glamorous shots of anarchy symbols painted on walls and peeling, shredded poster ads pasted on the walls advertising concerts, protests and whatever else. A good collection that uses nice camera work to give an interesting portrait of a very vibrant, historical, and modern city.

View all my reviews

Looking at Dauth's photographs got me all nostalgic for Berlin and I felt like adding some of my own pictures that I took last fall when I was there doing a research project.

Renovations in the Alley at Hackesche Hoefe

Observing the Dead

Modern Times

Fall in the City

1 comment:

Kylie McQ said...

I don't know which one is my favorite--I like the graffiti and the apartment buildings, and the observing the dead, and the iHad, which is awesome, and the first picture is just gorgeous. You should publish your own book. Cool review, too. I wanna go to Berlin :(