Monday, October 4, 2010

Thank a Teacher, Thank a Soldier

Yesterday, I was behind a truck that was sporting this bumper sticker. I hadn't seen this sticker in a while, so it was interesting to remember that it does, in fact, exist. I thought about what this bumper sticker is saying, both explicitly and implicitly, both the primary and secondary meanings. I won't go into all the thoughts I had. But I would like to propose that we pass these stickers out to all native Hawaiians and Native Americans. I think they'd really dig it, don't you?


Kylie McQ said...

I wish there were a "like" button. But then facebook would have completed its takeover of the world, in English and other languages. Sad. And I wanted to get you a Native American 2011 calendar, but then I started wondering about neocolonialism and voyeurism, so I didn't. SPOILERS.

Jon said...

But positive voyeurism is okay, right? I doubt it woulda been that voyeuristic. And that's nice of you to think about getting me a calendar. Speaking of taking over the world, after posting this I started mentally listing all the other people across the globe that this sticker could also apply to. It's a longer list that I care to think about.

Mike said...

"IF you're reading this"? Lol. I love it when they try to wax profound. Dog balls.

Anonymous said...

I feel sick....

Jon said...

Profound indeed. As profound as my other favorite bumper sticker: "Land of the free, because of the brave". What brilliance. Maybe I'll post that one here too.

Laelyn, you feel sick? If you're asking for a handout, go to Canada, but not that French part.