Thursday, November 4, 2010

Political World

In the wake of another election, I recommend four albums that seem particularly relevant to the occasion:
I think these get at how I'm feeling pretty well. And below you can watch Bob tell us how it is, which is fun. Yahoo! provided the best visual quality version of "Political World", but of course we gotta watch an ad before getting to the video, which actually amuses me. An ad before "Political World". It's not quite as good as when I watched Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story in the Visa Screening Room of the Elgin Theater during the Toronto International Film Festival, but it's getting there. Enjoy the video.


Karmen said...

Rich, beautiful and powerful -- yes! We've got to Take Back America!!

BTW, my last 'word verification' was lectur -- it's a sign!!!

Kylie McQ said...

I HEART Bob Dylan. Awww.