Monday, November 29, 2010

First as Tragedy, Then as Farce by Slavoj Žižek

I saw this video in my literary theory class today and thought it was awesome. This is my first exposure to the thought and theory of Slavoj Žižek, and I like it. I think the animation in this video really helps, too. It's interesting to think that we might need to reexamine our definition and application of charity, as well as consider the consequences of our charitable actions. Consumer charity is something I've been thinking about lately, and Žižek's thoughts have given me even more to think about. Check out the video, if you like.


mateicho1 said...

Definitely made me think, but I will definitely have to watch it again to get all of it. He's dead on, though--Toms is so dang trendy and totally takes advantage of the notion of "charity" to make a profit in our hybridized society. I really liked this, I'm gonna find out more about this guy.

Jon said...

Glad you liked it, Matt. I don't know anything about this dude, other than this. So if/when you find something cool by him, send it my way.